Sleeping Promise
By Glenda Grande

I gazed upon the beauty of the twilight
Reminding me of your smile and grace.
As the evening star appeared above me,
I wished a silent wish, hoping it will reach you.

Memories both bitter and sweet recollected;
The scent of the rose field awakened my heart.
Those precious days we spent hand in hand,
Walking through secret gardens such as these
Were numbered, unbeknownst to you and I.
I wondered, "Are you watching me now?"

Many times I questioned fate and destiny;
Why was I left behind in this continuous dream?
I continue to sleep with my eyes wide open,
Seeing, but not feeling. I'm numbed from reality.

My life became the dream and the dream an escape;
Perhaps we will meet again in another life.
Then once again we will walk beside one another,
So I may hear your laughter, feel your warmth
Along with your resounding melodic heartbeat.
I will make it known to you, the depth of my love.

The twilight started to fade, consumed by night -
My heart reminded that the devotion contained within
Should also fade and rest in an undisturbed sleep.
Your wish was for my smile to forever carry on,
So I bid our 'promise' goodnight, until we both shall awake.

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'Come with me and I'll take you on a stroll. Let me reveal the world to you in my perspective'
Lend me your heart, and allow to cast the angelic illusion.'
A collection of poetry and prose written by a young woman, telling the tales of life with artful words.
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