
Weirdyear Flash Fiction is undergoing a new change today! Right before your very eyes, the busy little gnomes who tirelessly maintain this magazine are retooling the works and polishing the steam assemblies for a brand new way of doing things.

Since it's inception on October 5th, 2010, Weirdyear Flash Fiction has endeavored to provide readers and authors with a daily dose of the weird, bizarre and strange, giving new writers the exposure they need to get a leg up in the world of today's writing market. In the interest of keeping exposure for new writers at the forefront of this operation, Weirdyear Flash Fiction will henceforth be known not as a daily magazine, but as a weekly magazine. This change will provide all of our future writers with an entire week's worth of exposure and all of our readers with a higher quality of work to be read!

Also, the gnomes who grease the works were tired. They were about to revolt.

Keep sending us those weird flash pieces! We'll be publishing a new piece every Friday from here until Cthulhu awakes to eat us all. (hopefully longer!)

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