Love is Cruel
By Joe Mynhardt

Lisa lay so peaceful on her bed; so beautiful. Her long golden hair flowed over the pillow with heavenly bliss. And her skin, her beautiful skin… I’m really going to miss her.
She could get so mad at me sometimes. It’s a shame things had to go so terribly wrong for us. Life might’ve thrown us some curveballs, but I never stopped loving my dearest Lisa.
My desire to be with her drew me closer, and I lifted the sheet to caress her thigh with the edge of my knife. If only we could spend some more time together.
I leaned over. The thought of it being our last kiss made me lose my breath. I placed my lips over hers.
She gave a soft moan and her tongue slipped gently into my mouth. “Mmm, that’s nice,” she said as she opened her eyes.  
Lisa stared up at me and took a deep breath, her gorgeous blue eyes flickering like diamonds in the moonlight. “Help! Mike, help.”
She kicked me off her bed and ran screaming out the door.
I heard her fiancé running up the stairs so I dived out the open window, thumped hard on the grass below, and ran away.
They still ended up getting married, though. Guess his fiancé having a stalker just wasn’t enough to scare him off.
I wasn’t planning on following them when they moved away, but I just couldn’t get that kiss out of my mind. Perhaps next time I’ll just stop at the threshold of their bedroom door.

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Joe Mynhardt is a South African horror writer and teacher. His work has been published at Pill Hill Press, Dark Minds Press, Library of the Living Dead, Microhorror, Flashes in the Dark, Pages of Stories, Ghastly Door and many more. Joe is also a moderator at MyWritersCircle.com.
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