We Want Some Definite Answers
By Michael Liesch
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Liesch currently pursues a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Creative Writing for Entertainment in hopes of breaking into an industry with more potential than is currently being sought out.
By Michael Liesch
Definite [def-uh-nit]
1. clearly defined; with definition
Definition [def-uh-nish-uhn]
1. the act of making definite, distinct, or clear.
2. the formal statement of the meaning.
Family [fam-uh-lee]
1. a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for.
Care [kair]
1. a state of mind in which one is troubled.
2. a cause or object of worry, concern.
3. serious attention; heed; caution
Children [chil-druhn]
1. plural of child
--Child [chahyld]
--1. a person between birth and full growth
Growth [grohth]
1. gradual increase
Tension [ten-shuhn]
1. mental or emotional strain: intense, suppressed suspense or anxiety.
Cause [kawz]
1. a thing that acts or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result; the producer of an effect.
Effect [ih-fekt]
1. the state of being operative or functional; operation or execution; accomplishment or fulfillment.
Execution [ek-si-kyoo-shuhn]
1. the act or process of executing.
2. the state or fact of being executed.
3. the infliction or capitol punishment.
Capital Punishment [n/a]
1. punishment by death of a crime.
Crime [krahym]
1. an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious.
Deserving [dih-ser-ving]
1. because of one’s actions.
Punishment [puhn-ish-muhnt]
1. a penalty inflicted for an offense, fault, etc.
Fault [fawlt]
1. responsibility for failure or a wrongful act.
Lie [lahy]
1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
Intent [in-tent]
1. the state of a person’s mind that directs his or her actions toward a specific object.
I flipped off the small television and ejected a tape. A strained, mechanical hum and a few clicks kicked out the video.
“Turner,” Lieutenant Brody called from behind me, “anything on the tape?” He walked behind me as I sat in my chair, narrow eyes focusing on the words scrawled in marker on a label: Suspect 001 Interrogation.
“No,” I said, “they’re probably going with the insanity plea. He just lists definitions throughout it.” I drop the video on my desk, the whole thing covered with files and morbid photos.
“It’s a shame,” Brody said. “His parents were about to commit him. Shoulda’ been sooner.” He chuckled. I shot a glance at him, then we both hovered over the desk and sifted through the evidence before us.
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Liesch currently pursues a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Creative Writing for Entertainment in hopes of breaking into an industry with more potential than is currently being sought out.
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