By Glenda Grande

Hushed secrets tucked away in my pocket,
Storing away the key to this heart's locket.
The unknown hidden away from plain sight,
Only to be revealed in vows of pure plight.

Fears masked - the crystallized diamond gem,
Seemingly clear and bedazzling; heavenly sent,
Is beautifully deceiving - truth mixed with fear
Could you handle my true feelings, sweet dear?

Hush now, this secret is mine to harbour -
Don't complicate this, it's getting harder:
The heart which aches slowly in despair cries,
But I have not the courage to stop your lies.

Goodnight sweet prince; sing me a lullaby.
Tonight is when we part ways and say goodbye.

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'Come with me and I'll take you on a stroll. Let me reveal the world to you in my perspective'
Lend me your heart, and allow to cast the angelic illusion.'
A collection of poetry and prose written by a young woman, telling the tales of life with artful words.
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